Sunday, October 10, 2010

Amazing Numbers to Better Understand FaceBook, Twitter, & Linkedlin

This article is the best I've seen at breaking down the numbers on FaceBook, Twitter, Linkedlin, and MySpace. If you look at the little sample of this article I've clipped here for you I know you'll want to read the whole thing. And it's very interesting to actually see the numbers behind the sites. Most amazing was the 23 minutes the average FaceBook user is on FaceBook per day. No site comes close but surprising to me is that MySpace is second ( 14:40) just ahead of Twitter (13:10).

Amplify’d from

Social Media 3Q Update: Who Uses Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, & MySpace?

The third quarter 2010 demographics of Social Media users according to Google’s Adplanner services has a few surprises. Facebook actually dropped from 550 to 540 million users in the third quarter, and Facebook users over age 54 dropped from 16% to 10% in the last six months. Based on the data from the 2nd and 3rd quarters there is a significant slowing in the growth of the major Social Media tools.

Among the numbers are the interesting age group distributions of each of the networking sites. The data gives important clues of what each site is being used for in addition to who is using it.

Facebook’s Fire Cools
No one can dispute Facebook’s impact on the world. It is BIG, and with millions of posts and interactions each day, the influence of its users is the envy of every marketing professional. Traditional media professional and other old people will be tempted to look at the 3rd quarter data and declare that the Social Media ‘fad’ is over and on the decline. That would be a statement of ignorance.

Facebook’s growth could not continue indefinitely and its amazing growth in users from 2008 to the start of 2010 was being fueled by a viral exploration of a new media that allowed people to connect in a way they never had before. Now that exploration has calmed and I believe we are seeing the coming of age of Social Media.

The drop of 10 million users during the third quarter is only significant in that it shows a leveling off of the growth. The average time on the site is over 23 minutes, which is much longer than the other three major U.S. Social Media tools (MySpace 14:40 mins., Twitter 13:10 mins., LinkedIn 9:50 mins.) That is important as more time spent means more interaction and more influence by users and advertisers.


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