Submit To Twitter
This should be a no brainer for you by now. Twitter if used correctly WILL send people back to your blog to read your post! Period!
Now more then ever, Twitter should be first place to send your new post, Read Why.
Submit To 20 Social Sites
I use Hootsuite and to send out my post to over 20 other social sites.
Go here is to be as efficient as you can be, using let’s you do that without having to sign into each and every account.
Facebook tip, is to post your link directly on facebook at least once before using Ping that way will get more SEO juice from it as a direct link back to your blog.
Bookmark To 30 Sites
Bookmarking works and with Onlywire I send my new post out to 30 sites with the exception of a few Capcha codes it is automatic.
Added to this I use firefox add on Shareholic to submit to another 15 sites that Onlywire doesn’t have.
So in about 15min of time I have my post out to about 45 sites.
Lately I been testing Bookmark Demon to go crazy with bookmarking, to over 200 possible sites, so far I am very happy with it.
Both options work great Onlywire and Shareholic or BookMarking Demon, but if you have a little bit of money to spend then I Highly recommend BookMarking Demon software it is awesome.
Submit To Blog Carnivals
Blog carnivals are a great way to a. get quality back links and b. get targeted traffic.
It is free to submit to carnivals and the more targeted the post to carnival is the higher your chance your post will be excepted.
I did this manually for a few weeks and bitched and moaned the whole way thru lol but in the end the effort is worth the hard work.
I have been using a blog carnival submitting software called Xingla Pro that pretty much automates the process to 1 or 30 carnivals at once.
Have used it for 3 weeks and makes life A LOT especially if you have a lot of old posts that you would like to submit.
Post To Bloggersbase
I been posting on BloggerBase for few months see my BloggersBase Profile and each my post have been read (each my post get read 200-400 times.
Not bad for a site that lets you post on for free as many times as you like and let you read readers you may never have before.
Post To BlogEngage
BlogEngage is a new site I was invited to join a few weeks back. Brian at BlogEngage has a nice system setup to let bloggers reach other bloggers, connect and share in the promotion of each others blogs.
I been very happy with the luv my posts have gotten and the comments, traffic and ReTweets I been getting all from BlogEngage.
You have to be invited to be part of the community, which is Brian’s way of keeping things at a high quality and a benefit to all members.
If you email Brian tell him John Paul sent you and I’m sure he will send you an invite, yea I got celebrity status like that
Comment On Related Blogs
I have talked about how I use blog commenting before so I won’t go to far into it, but I comment on blog posts that fit what my most recent post was about.
Also I learned recently is if you are blog commenting for a back link, then don’t waste your time commenting on a post with over 40 – 50 comments.
Google only spiders the first 60 links on a page top to bottom, so if you comment 55 plus the links on that page beside the comment links, then you wont get credit for that back link.
Now you SHOULD comment FIRST to offer something to the conversation, and back link benefit should be a bonus not your primary reason to comment.